
Karl-Heinz Paqué // Cities are booming while the countryside is dying?

Germany boasts an enviable variety of economic centres in both urban and rural areas. Competition between regions is working – if we let it.

Daniel Zwick // More freedom to move around

When you can zip away to the city at a moment's notice, living in the countryside can be fun. So, expanding the transport infrastructure is really a question of equal opportunity. 

Dirk Assmann // Greener pastures

New possibilities in rural areas: digital tools, political decisions and a transparent administration can make the countryside an attractive place bringing together innovation and quality of life.

Facts // The world’s lifestyle is urban

Die meisten Menschen auf der Welt leben in städtischen Gebieten – und es werden immer mehr.

Judy Born // “Social time keeps us healthy in the city”

The city is a loud and hectic place, while in the countryside long distances make everyday life harder. Mazda Adli, psychiatrist and stress researcher, explains how the two environments can benefit from each other.


Karl-Heinz Paqué // Cities are booming while the countryside is dying?

Germany boasts an enviable variety of economic centres in both urban and rural areas. Competition between regions is working – if we let it.

Dirk Assmann // Greener pastures

New possibilities in rural areas: digital tools, political decisions and a transparent administration can make the countryside an attractive place bringing together innovation and quality of life.

Daniel Zwick // More freedom to move around

When you can zip away to the city at a moment's notice, living in the countryside can be fun. So, expanding the transport infrastructure is really a question of equal opportunity. 

Facts // The world’s lifestyle is urban

Die meisten Menschen auf der Welt leben in städtischen Gebieten – und es werden immer mehr.

Judy Born // “Social time keeps us healthy in the city”

The city is a loud and hectic place, while in the countryside long distances make everyday life harder. Mazda Adli, psychiatrist and stress researcher, explains how the two environments can benefit from each other.

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